Do You Know If Your Marketing Is Underperforming? And Is Your Product Growing?
If you're a small team and you're not tracking your marketing process to see if your product is growing or not, then here's how I can help you...
Hey! My name is Dariusz here in Port Stanley, Canada. I'll set up a Marketing Dashboard for you so you can see if your marketing efforts are working or not.
My goal is to help you optimize your marketing process so that your product and profits grow. I do this by collecting and analyzing marketing data. I then set up a dashboard to show you all your key marketing metrics -- so you can see right away what needs to be fixed.
If that sounds good, let's start with a simple, free project to see if you and I are a good team. No obligations. No expectations.
Start with a Free Marketing Data Analysis Project, click here...
And, here's more details about what you'll get when we work together...
Benefit 1: Daily Dashboard That Quickly Shows You Key Metrics
You'll get a simple Daily Dashboard that's specifically made for small teams like yours.
It'll have all your key numbers that tell you the "temperature" of your business. No bells, no whistles, no fluff. All the data you need, in one spot. Easy to access. And is automatically updated, in real-time.
This means you don't have to login to different platforms and dashboards, and waste time looking through a bunch of data to find the key numbers you need right now.
With one click, you'll have all your key numbers right in front of you. No hassle. Super easy.
Benefit 2: Measure How Your Marketing Is Doing
Data does not speak for itself. We have to interpret the data and learn what story the data is telling us.
Also, data is about answering important questions. Questions like:
- Is our marketing growing our business?
- How much are we spending on marketing?
- Where does the money go?
- What's the ROI on each ad spend?
- Are we wasting time and energy posting on YouTube when maybe a better strategy is to post on TikTok?
- Where is our target market hanging out now?
- How's our sales doing from each platform? email, our website, social media?
When our goal is to grow our product and profits, we can't rely on our "gut".
We can't go, "I feel email sales are doing good". We have to look at the numbers and let them tell us what's really going on.
It's like losing weight. You can't go, "I feel like I'm losing weight". You gotta step on the scale, record your data, and measure it over time.
If we want to grow, improve, we need to measure.
So, I'll help you set up a Marketing Monitoring System so that you can see how your marketing is doing -- and help you answer key questions.
Benefit 3: Find New Opportunities To Grow Your Product
It's really hard to grab a customer's attention when their needs are already being met by another product.
So, when a person's needs are already being met, then all your marketing efforts will feel like you're just shouting into the void.
A better marketing strategy is to find customers with an unmet need. Then create marketing communication that shows and tells how your product can fulfill those unmet needs.
With data analytics, I can help you discover opportunities in your market by finding people who have unmet needs. It's all about looking for patterns, and identifying groups of people who are basically looking for you and your product, but can't find it.
By using data to help you identify your target customer, you'll spend less money on marketing because you'll be targeting people who are already looking for you.
Benefit 4: Create A Better Customer Experience So You Capture A Bigger Market Share
By measuring your marketing process, and targeting the right people, you are no longer wasting ad dollars on marketing that isn't working. You're no longer wasting people-hours on marketing that is wasting time and energy.
So what this means is, you can take the money and time you saved, and start working on creating a better customer experience.
Think about it this way: You have a "star" product. Your product basically "sells itself" because you are:
- Targeting people with an unmet need
- You've reduced marketing waste
- Your marketing system is optimized
So, what do you do with that savings? You start improving how you deliver your product.
What if your customer can get access to your product faster, easier, more conveniently?
By improving the customer experience you are building a product that no competition can copy. You're insulating yourself from "copycats". And you're differentiating yourself from the competition. This gives you a secure hold in your market position.
Again, when you track data, you can eliminate waste (time, money, energy). And then you can put that savings back into improving the quality of your product and improving the customer experience.
Your Next Step: How To Grow Your Product And Profits Using Data Analytics
Before you decide on anything, I would like to invite you to a Free Marketing Data Analysis Project.
It's very simple. At the end of our project, you will get a Marketing Data Report. Your report will have "actionable insights" that will show you where your marketing process isn't working, and solutions how to fix them.
There are no costs, or obligations. I want you and your team to be 100% sure you picked the right "data guy" before you commit to anything.
So before you and I start a formal paid project, put me to the test and see what I can do for you.
The first step is to click this link, and fill out the form...
Start with a Free Marketing Data Analysis Project, click here...
Thanks for reading! Looking forward to helping you and your team improve your marketing process so that your product and profits grow!
Dariusz Michniewicz
Port Stanley, ON, CANADA